Sandra Lynn Gardner

Sandra passed away peacefully on January 29, 2012, surrounded by her three children and eight grandchildren. She was an artist, writer, teacher, mother and life long learner. She had a much adversity, from her illnesses with cancer to the terror of loosing her children.

This adversity did not stop her from trying to make everything she touched beautiful. When she had chalk, paints or pencils, she would draw beautiful pictures. When she had space she would plant flowers that smelled wonderful. When she had her children she would take them camping and hiking. When she had her own house she bought parakeets so they could make happy noises. When she had friends she was faithful to them. When her family needed her she was there.

But above all, when she was faced with adversity, she never gave up or despaired. Instead she focused on always choosing the right and leaving to the Lord to set things right in his own time. Before she passed away she said "the Lord has a plan for us, and I don't need to get upset over things because he is in control."